
American Legion Auxiliary Post 60

Just a reminder, our Unit 60 officers include: 

President Jane Smits

Secretary/Treasurer Nancy Angell

Membership Brianna Smits  

Badger Girls State - Nancy Angell

Thanks for your service

Our current membership is at 47, our goal of 83.  Please remind friends and family to join or renew memberships. And please, don’t forget to renew and recruit!  Online dues paying is encouraged, and easy.  Speaking of online, we are all encouraged to receive our newsletters via email.  If you haven’t provided your email yet, please send it to Dick Staedt,

Poppy Days!  Please sign up to participate in Poppy distribution on Saturday, Nov 9th.  Call Jane or sign up at our April meeting.  We will be at Festival Foods in Darboy.

Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary:

For National Click on for for online details.